don't misunderstand me


Wah that's fierce!

Today I was at the Simei MRT 7-11, lining up behind this Chinese looking dude( it turns out he is some Korean or Japanese dude ).

He was paying for a can of canned coffee, then he asked for 2 packs of Marlboro Light. The kind looking cashier then asked this: " 2 packs for how long? "

The guy was stun and he quickly replied: " Er... For 1 day... ".

Then I was thinking: " Woah! 1 day!? "

And the cashier lady was also thinking the way I did.


Filming at my house

Just bid goodbye to my friends from RP. They had decided to pop by to my place to film some scenes of Jack being killed and James finding out that Jack was killed by the Sick Pysco.

Interestingly due to the half told tale. Funny due to the No Goods(N.G) takes and that the soundwoman stood infront of the camera.

Not to mention, warm. Because the microphone was too sensitive. Thus we would need to switch off the fans.



I'm feeling drained at the moment. I guess it's due to my physical and mental limitation. I got to start increasing the level I can work at. In this way... I will be invincible! Muahahahaha...

Gotta start to lose those extra kilos. For your information, I'm currently 80kg but I'm only 1.77m tall. The BMI is kinda high for us Asians. On the other hand, I got to lose the fats as my family has a history of heart problems.

Other then that, I got nothing much to mention but just that I got to remove this mental limitation that I had set for myself subconsciously. It has affected me some how or another as I always run out of juice power. No ideas comes to me. Even though my school work load is quite less compared to other people from Business School, but I'm feeling the stress catching on to me.

I need to have a bigger capacity. I can win!!!