don't misunderstand me


Kena tagged

Got tagged by the one and only jean tan wan jun of Singapore.

Here it goes;

RULES: Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 idiosyncrasies as well as clearly state this rule.after stating your 6 weirdness you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names at the bottom of the entry.dont forget to leave a comment on their tagboards that says “you’re tagged!” and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means. btw, idiosyncracy means:-a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.

1) I listen to weird music. Ok. Not that werid. Music that many people would not enjoy that much. Like Spinto band and Red Hot Chili Peppers which many dudes and dudettes do not listen at the age of 18
2) I got many sleeping positions. I can sleep hugging one pillow in one arm. The bolster in between my leg( or leg on top of bolster ) and of cos, one pillow under my head. If not, I would be rotating around the bed. Eg: Head where the leg should be. Leg at head.

3) I'm called bird. Instead of my real name xinhui or joe kwek.

4) I speak lots of nonsense which not everybody gets a head or tail of it.

5) I write peoms which looks like song. On the other hand; does my poem looks like poem at all? It doesn't even follow the normal structure of a poem!

6) I sing sounds instead or lyrics most of the time.( actually I'm out of ideas. So I just hantum on the last point.)

So I have decide to tag this one
1) Ivy.
2) Yat.
3) Jonathan( but he not blogging liao....)
4) Nicholas.
5) Esther.
6) HuiYI!!!!!!!!


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